Category Archive: La Boheme



I must admit, the first thing I thought when Gobsmacked started was ‘oh my god I want her shoes!’ They were truly amazing: red and black killer stilettos. Uh, yes please! But they weren’t… Continue reading

The Giovanni Experiment.


Who hasn’t had a waiter so snooty they are almost a comic act in their own right? Or one who was such a cultural stereotype that their presence made the meal almost feel… Continue reading

They Say It’s Wonderful


Written by Andrea Taylor The title of this single performance show put on by the Bailey Dolls is taken from the Irving Berling song – sung beautifully in the show – and the ‘it’ referred… Continue reading

Harriett Allcroft is Barely Legal


Barely Legal is a light-hearted, frothy hour of good tunes featuring endearing hostess,  Harriett Allcroft. Aged at just 18 (hence the title), she already has years of performance experience under her belt from working with… Continue reading

Changing Jennifers


Written by @jdtoo Initially befuddled by the amount of blokes on stage, we soon realise that there are no “Changing Jennifers”, only “Jims”! 😉 Watch out, this show demands audience particiation. We’re asked… Continue reading